Spooky is the theme for this weeks Illustration Friday theme, and after working on my Halloween Fun Book, it was tempting to recycle images from the book. Instead, I decided to continue on my theme of the party in the world macabre, from my earlier Zombie Tea Party. I’ve also had Oingo Boingo’s song “Dead Man’s Party” stuck in my head. The party is not just for the underworld, anyone can join in. Celebrate the things that make you happy this week, and achievements large and small. Grab your favorite candy or snack, and take a break, even if just for a minute.
Also, please take a look at my Halloween Fun Activity and Coloring Book. I’m a self-employed artist, and it would be a tremendous help if you could purchase a copy, or just spread the word. If you like, you can get the digital version – $4 or the deluxe printed version – $10, by visiting the Book Order page here. Thank you.
Thank you. My imagination will not let things get to spooky.
Charming AND spooky!